Accessory creation

For this accessory, I wanted something different and that would stand out. At the same time, I wanted it to tie in with my pattern and theme. Then, I thought it would be good to create an earring because, in my opinion, it's something you can "play" with more than necklaces, bracelets, etc.... 

I decided to start by drawing a figure in profile so that the earring would stand out and, for that, I chose the colour brown because I thought that, together with the pattern, it would look harmonious. 

I explored more the procreate since this digital drawing is something new to me and I found the brushes part of the application challenging because there is a lot of variety and there were times that I felt confused to use them, however in the end I understood how to use them. 

I decided to draw with just outlines, this reminds me of drawing with a fine point pen which is my favourite drawing style and also because I decided not to venture too much since it's something new to me.

As for the earring itself, I decided to make a bird that would go through the hole in the ear and come out behind the ear. I like this kind of earring format that starts to deviate from what is a normal earring and I can see that it's on trend and that it's being seen more and more. 

This earring could be metallic, grey or gold. But for my preference I would choose silver because I think it's simpler and more discreet since the earring is already a considerable size.



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