Piece Creation

Piece of cloth with the created pattern

I decided to start my piece because I wanted to have as much time as possible to make the 3D piece. For that, I have used CorelDraw to make my technical draw and also, for the shape and detail of the piece, I have choose one of my sketches from one of the previous sessions. I decided to use elastics and incorporate the fabric around them to create a frowning (1) effect since I associate clothes with a lot of fabric accumulated in the oriental style.

Here is the final piece:



Below are the steps for the final piece:

I put my sketches on a white page so I could orient myself better and draw more perfectly on top.

Then I started tracing the piece making closed figures so that I could fill them in evenly. To do this, I used the 3-point tool

I added the details to make the crimps look more realistic using the pen tool in freehand drawing.

To make the design more professional, I added the stitching (2) to see where the piece could be sewn

Finally, I filled the fabric with the pattern I created

The last step was to give texture to the elastic so it didn't look like just another strip of fabric.

(1) Frownings - when the fabric accumulates and creates a kind of wrinkle, which gives an interesting texture to the pieces

(2) Stitching - a line or lines of thread that has been sewn in something.


  1. Excellent process, well done. There is some very good quality detail here.


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