Further Development

DIGITAL piece - Technical drawing

This session I took the opportunity to explore and choose one f my sketches from the previous session. I have choose this piece and also had a thought in the fabric of it. I wanted it to be fresh and light as it is for spring /summer. This piece will have my pattern too so it would be nice if I could represent the piece with the same type / texture of the fabric. My idea is a type of linen that is not that tough as it normally is. Linen is a good fabric to embroidery so that is one of the reasons that I am choosing it. For the details I want to add elastics and the fabric around it. Oriental clothes have normally a lot of fabric. This piece have a lot of fabric too, however it is tight into the elastic so it can be more fresh and comfortable for the summer and spring.

Class further sketches with colour:


  1. As in the last post, these work well, would like to see you go even further based on what we did in Week 7, try out different materials (pro-markers/felt tips/coloured pencils) to get a clear idea of what you are going to create before you digitise your drawings.


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