Embroidery process

This is my scarf right now. I'm having some difficulties regarding the sewing time. it's taking longer than I thought and I'm afraid of starting another embroidery thread and not being able to finish it. Anyway, the next step will be to cut the fabric to the desired measurements and I still want to do a thread finish on the ends of the scarf to increase its quality.

So far I am really enjoying the experience, I have had no problems doing the embroidery itself and find it relaxing and therapeutic but it is really something where you have to invest time and patience. In the future, I would like to explore more this world of embroidery and learn more techniques.

I like the way the colors are put together, it's light and simple as I wanted from the start.

I would also like to mention the fabric, it is a 100% linen fabric and exactly what I wanted because it is fluttery and light so we can use it in many different ways.

I took the opportunity to embroider in various places, it made me feel good to embroider at night before going to sleep. I accompanied it with music, that is one thing that I advise.

I also loved taking the embroidery with me and having the opportunity to sit outside on the grass. I felt peaceful and it was very nice. Apart from the back pain.....

And in a normal environment, at home.

Here is an example of a step in my embroidery.
Here is an example of a step in my embroidery. This stitch is called back stitch, one of the techniques I mentioned in the previous post. This stitch is called "ponto atras" in Portuguese and I remember, some years ago my grandmother teach me how to make this technique and told me that it was used to make outlines.


  1. Good to see a video of your process. Consider that you can only do what you can do in the time you have left - even if it is just a fragment of what you wanted to achieve as long as you present it as well as you can and it fits into your overall project.


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