Planning my primary research

To begin my primary research, I choose to create a  questionnaire through google forms so that I could understand if I am doing the right think for the right target market. Also, I would like to know people's opinions about my whole project and it's concept. 

My target market:

Age range: 28-35
Gender: 70% female, 30% male
Key phsychographics: Wants to look stylish, like to follow trends, loyal to one or two fashion brands, looks up to fashion figures, like accessories.
Challenges: Finding hand made accessories
Preferred channels: Follows fashionable accounts on social media, catwalks on you tube and fashion blogs.
Preferred content types: magazines, social media posts, editorials.

My questionnaire:

1. How old are you?

2. Male / Female / Non-binary / Prefer not to say 

3. How much do you like accessories? (1 to 5)

4. If you had a shawl / kerchief how would you use it? (over the shoulders / on the head / around the neck / in your bag / other

5. Do you think hand embroidering can look modern nowadays? (Yes / No / It depends)

6. How tired are you of seing floral patterns? (1 to 5)

7. Do you prefer a kerchief or a classic accessory (such as, eartings, necklaces or rings)?

8. In what way do you think kierchiefs are different?


  1. Good post, but one question - have you developed the questions you are intending to ask since you published this post? I ask because I think these are too straightforward for you to get information that might lead you to a secondary source to research further.


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