Bust process


For this project, I decided to use cardboard just because it was the only material that I had at that time. The first step was to draw the molds of my face using tracing paper. The molds with different dimensions were intend to create volume and shape to the bust.


Following up, it was time to cut each piece using a craft knife.


Furthermore, I have put each piece in their place so that I could understand the proportions and rectify if another form was needed. 


The last step was painting the bust. I decided to use pink and green to create some kind of contrast in the face. In the back of the head, I have created a degrade of grey, finishing with black to create a hair effect. It was a challenge because the brush was not the best and I took a long time just in the painting.


  1. Some really good process here, but don't be too hard on the outcome - I think it was an interesting use of the materials you chose, the concept was good too.


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