Final Photos + Editing

 I choose the final photos taking into account the light, the facial expressions of the model and also the lavender presence because I wanted to emphasize the lavender in all of them.

These are the final photos:

I started editing them fixing the light, contrasts and shadows using photoshop.

Then, was time to add the title and slogans. I wanted to give some effect to the title in some of the photos so I decided to hide some parts of the title behind elements of the photos. 

For the slogans, I tried to think about simple and direct slogans. Something that could catch the public's eyes. The slogan are mainly related to fragrance and purple. 

This is the final result:


  1. The pictures look great - it would have been good to add the camera settings here - you can find these by right clicking and going to properties and then you should be able to find the camera settings


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