What Do I Know??

What do I Know abou my subject area?

Fashion Communication and Styling

My subject area is fashion communication and styling. I am aware that fashion styling is working with image, it is related to help people, celebrities or even working with brands for fashion editorials selecting the look of the figures taking into accont some type of theme, tastes of the person in specific or even the event or occasion and there is a huge list of types of fashion stylists. I am still not sure about the communication part, but in my point of view is how we have to communicate in fashion, using reliable sources or vocabulary.

What should I be doing in my subject area?

From what I think, we will be creating projects related to styling, producing fashion editorials, choosing our themes or even be put to the test in a way that it will be given a theme, occasion or a celebritie in specific to us and we have to be able to create something creative in terms of image.

What skills and knowledge do I need for my subject area?

In this area, we have to be very creative and have an adaptable taste in terms of fashion because in this industry we have to be able to change our tastes somitimes to do a good job

What jobs can I get by studying in this subject?

I am aware that there is a list of fashion stylists jobs such as personal stylist, celebrity stylist, still-life stylist, commercial stylist (works mainly for brands) or editorial stylist.

If I scored myself out of ten, with ten being the highest, how well do I think I know my own subject area?



  1. Good work - we discussed this in class - like the confidence !


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