Presentation feedback and improving work

 Did everyone understand what your project was about?If not why not and what could you improve?

My mic is not working properly so I think there was some think that my class mates did not understood. However, they were able to understand the theme, the concept and how will be the final outcome. The aspect that could be more clear was "What am I selling in the end?". I am selling the clothes, the styling, lavender and fragrance belong to the theme and concept.

Did your peers think that you had good initial ideas and research? If not why not and what could you improve?

I think so. The only comment on research was that I could have done more research on advertising but I am almost sure that I did it in the beginning of the project. 

Did your peers feel that you were challenging yourself? If not why not and what could you improve?

Yes. I explain to them that this was going to be a challenge for me in terms of photography and light inside.

Did they think you had good research throughout? If not why not and what coud you improve?

I have received no bad feedback in relation to this.

What other feedback did you get that you found useful?

That I could maybe explain better my ideas and sometimes people do not get the idea in the first place. I can be more direct and specific.

Overall do you think you presented the work well? If not why not?

Overall I think they get my idea but I can improve in my speaking when talking about my works because sometimes my head can confuse all the information.


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