Georgia O'keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz

In today's lesson, we had a lecture about these two artists and I managed to take some notes while I was listening so that I could understand better their history and professional life.

My notes:

Alfred Stieglitz (photographer)

  • Technical photography
  • Spend hours making and printing photographs
  • Association's publication Camera Work
  • Shapes and lines; relation between people (the steerage)
  • Began to see the new modern skyscrapers, aeroplanes and the growing population
  • Wanted to move away from the pistoral
  • Produce photography like paintings 
  • Contrast between tones in his pictures (victorian times)
  • Died of a cerebral thrombosis in 1945
  • Returned to New York to settle his state before returning permanently to her properties in New Mexico
Georgia O'keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz
  • Met in 1916
  • O'keeffe had a huge impact in Alfred's life
  • They wrote lectures to each other for many years 
Georgia O'keeffe
  • American painter
  • Impressionism 
  • One of the first female painters
  • Photographs of specific parts of the human body
  • Oils paintings - Flowers (most famous)
  • Expressionism had sexuality

 Georgia O'keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz (1935)

My opinion:

This lecture was interesting in a sense that I could get to know this artists and in comparison to the other lecture, I identify myself much more with this artists work then the other artist.
It is incredible how they were extremely openminded in their art and we are talking about the 20's and 30's. I can see that O'keeffe became famous because of Alfred but in the end he was just a good way to start because she was able to create her own art and continue her career. Speaking of that, I really appreciate her work, the flowers are inspiring and the photography's too. The thing that I really love in photography are the contrasts that it has sometimes, and black and white photographs are the best ones to represent that effect and that is why I like these photos so much.


The New York Times (2011) O’Keeffe and Stieglitz: Intimacy at a Distance, Available from: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/14/books/review/my-faraway-one-selected-letters-of-georgia-okeeffe-and-alfred-stieglitz-book-review.html (Accessed 04/02/2021)


  1. Thank you for your considered reflection here on the lecture - well done


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