Set Project - First thoughts

First thought

 My first thought when I saw all the thees was to choose Purple Haze.

There is many ways to interpret this colour. When I think about this colour, I remember of lavender. Lavender is a plant that is very known because of it fragrance. 

Also, lavender has many peculiarities beneficial to our health. It is used even in recipes and also to give our wardrobe and clothes a good smell.

The challenge here, is to connect this plant with my subject area. The obvious thing to do would be creating some outfits with this colour. But I found that very vulgar. I am expecting to create something more fun and different. I would like to explore maybe the acessories and makeup. Creating sort of a sequency of 6 images. In the last project, I did something similar, so this time I would like to take the photos inside or in studio using photoshop to work in the background so that the pieces can be highligth to the max.

The idea of "wearing" lavender also came to my mind. This concept of using plants and nature elements is really interesting in my opinion.

Second thought

In my second idea I thought about the theme Eathly Delights. When I read this theme, I thought about the ways we can be more sustainable. Because if we ignore this aspect, we never will se the planet as it should, with beautiful nature and fresh air. Sustainability, in my subject area, is continue to produce the slow fashion and avoid as much as we can the fast fashion. With slow fashion, I meant smaller and greater brands, with more quality and durability. Slow fashion is also second hand fashion. It is a great concept the fact that we can re-use some pieces that someone would probably throw them away. 

Nowadays there is so many second hand stores and even brands. Specially in the UK.

For this concept my idea was to do the sequency of photos using only second hand pieces.


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