Seminar - Class task


In the last session, we have done an exercise called the fishbowl method. This method let us, as a group, talk about our project and listen others. In this exercise, 5 students were chosen to talk to each other and give an opinion on their work. The groups were chosen taking into accont the student's progression route.

The fishbowl conversation technique (2019)

This conversation was very helpful in a way that I could understand better other's ideas and projects even when I was not in the circle and I could not give my opinion and sugestions. As for my project, I could even understand better my own project by explainning it to the rest of the students. There was a few things that I noticed I have to be aware of.

Things that I have to think more deeply:

  1. Light (photoshoot)
  2. Outfit
  3. Acessories
  4. Background 
This method was very usefull in a way that we were able to help and understand each other. Also, this exercise helped us to integrate ourselves more in the class and be more participative


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