Research - Lavender

To start my research, I found useful to begin with the lavender research since this is the main element of my project.

How to grow lavender - BBC gardens world

Lavender is very related to essencial oils and I have been noticed that essencial oils are beeing more and more used since that these product can bring many benifits to our well-being.

The essential oil of lavender is often adulterated with other oils or some fractions derived from plants containing linalool and linalyl acetate, or with the synthetic components, or the original oil can be acetylated.

The essencial oils that come from lavender have been used both cosmetically and therapeutically. The lavender essencial oils characteristics:

  1. Antibacterial
  2. Antifungal
  3. Carminative (smooth muscle relaxing)
  4. Sedative
  5. Antidepressive
  6. Efective for burns and isect bites

Nowadays, lavender is used for:
  1. Perfumery
  2. Cosmetics
  3. Food processing 
  4. Aromatherapy products
The lavender dried flowers are also used in pillows and sachets with the intention of promoting sleep and relaxation. They are also sold as an ornamental plant for the gardens.

Lavender species have a variable antimicrobial effect; containing camphor, is the most potent; some species have a moderate antifungal action while the antioxidant activity is very variable. Some species have an acaricidal effect and have low general insecticidal properties. 

What lavender can really do for you - healthline

Lavender has a low toxicity: even the strong undiluted essential oil can be used for some burns, with, anecdotally, beneficial effects on healing, however, cases of allergic airborne contact dermatitis have been reported.  Several animal and human investigations suggest anxiolytic, mood stabilizer, sedative, analgesic, and anticonvulsive and neuroprotective properties for lavender. These studies raised the possibility of revival of lavender therapeutic efficacy in neurological disorders.

Lavender plant characteristics:
  1. Botanical name: L. angustifolia
  2. Bloom time: June to August
  3. Height: 2 to 3 feet
  4. Flower colors: Lavender, deep blue-purple, light pink, white

Lavender /Plants in fashion/styling

It is also important for me to do a research in dressing plants and flowers. Until today, this idea has been recreated by a lot of brands, designers and stylists using it in magazines, websites or fashion editorials. I really love the effect that the plants give to our body, I see plants as a complement to beautify ourselves.

Are your plants in fashion? - Design Scapes (2019)


H.M.A Cavanagh, J.M. Wilkinson (2002) Biologic activities of lavender essencial oil, available from:

Lis-Balchin M. (2002) Taylor & Francis Group, Lavender: the genus lavandula, London p.1

Loulivand P., Ghadiri M., Gorji A. (2013) Lavender and the Nervous System, Germany



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