Research - Kid Richards


To do a more specific research, I found very useful to research a photographer since my project is also related to photography and I will need some inspiration and techniques research.

I have a lot of photographers that I admire. In my opinion, social media helped me a lot to find and apreciate photographers. For doing this research, I have taking into account the type of photos this photographer take. So I choose one that works mainly inside and not so outside.

Kid Richards

Interview with artist Kid Richards - 100 for 10

I discover this photographer on instagram a few years ago. I am always looking for photo inspiration on intagram and I come "across" him many times trhow instagram and I start notice that I love his work. He is not just a photographer, he is also a musician and I love his website. Kid Richards is Portuguese, based in Lisbon. In this research, I will be focusing in his inside photos. 

Kid is 28 years old and have studied architecture for 4 years i  Portugal. He is used to shoot with film (35mm, medium format, polaroid and instant film)
"Photography is one of the most amazing and
beautiful ways to express yourself, as diary or editorial.
I really like to be able to tell some story with a photo, or to create some emotions with it.
With photography, we are able to keep a moment forever."

Some of his photos:

Kid website - portfolios

Since I have a passion with photography, I was used to take and see outside photos. A while ago, I am much more interest in inside photos. For me it is very difficult to work with the light inside and that will be the big callenge for me. My idea is not to create black and white photos becaus my intention is to hightlight the purple, but the lavender can be the only element with colour in the photo. That can be an idea. However, as my idea is to create colour photos, it will be more challenging other than do black and white photos.

Kid website - portfolios

I love the way that he represents the woman. In many of his photos the models are doing nudity. But his photos does not give a common aspect do this kind of photos. In each of his photos I can feel something and in my opinion they are beautiful. He knows how to work with the angles , light and knows what to emphasize women. 

"Always look for more. Always try to be the best, always improve yourself and what you do.Think about yourself first. The rest will come."


Interview with artist Kid Richards, 100 for 10, available from:


  1. Good work again on your initial research here - I do advise looking at more photography techniques and how to use settings on your camera


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