LECTURE - Odilon Redon

 I was able to watch a lecture in the last session about the artist Odilon Redon.

While I was listenning the tecture, I was taking notes about the main points of his career and what I managed to understand because it is still a little bit hard for me to understand the british accent.

Here is my notes:

  1. Born in France, April 20 1840
  2. Started drawing at the age of 15
  3. He became an architect
  4. After the war he returned to Paris
  5. Failed 3 times at an exam
  6. Crystal Palace - Designed for the great exhibition in London
  7. Jean Leon Gérôme - painter/sculpture
  8. Academicism/orientalism
  9. Industry and technology growing
  10. Photography
  11. Redon gained recognition in 1879 in an album of lithographs
  12. Difficult to gain recognition and reputation 
  13. This designers worked hard to achieve success
  14. J.K discovered Redon and Gustave Moreau work and used it in his book A Rebours (Against Nature)
  15. Introduce the fantasy and unique
  16. Strange monters
  17. Draw with charcoal 
  18. white stands out 
  19. Fantasy
  20. Representing dreams
  21. Children's books and creatures
  22. In 1890 he started to work with pastels and oils and started using colours speccially pink, yellow and blue 
  23. His technique change 
  24. It is more vibrant 
  25. Magical/fantastical/strange
  26. Died in 1916 with 76 years old 
  27. He is now an influence for other artists of the surrealism.

My reflection:

From what I have learned about Odilon Redon, I can see that he is a brilliant artist, all of his works are well done and each one gives us the oportunity to create our own interpretation of it. His works are magical and not so realistics. The majority of his works are representations of something that does not exist in the real world. He gives the human life to things and natures elementes that are not humans, that is a point that do not call my attencion because I like n«more realistic type of arte or even abstract.
It was also great to see his evolucion in the art world because he was able to grow in terms of techniques and colours.


  1. Good post - well done on your own thoughts and opinions here


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