Feedback and UX testing

 I have added a feedback form to understand what is the feedback of my audience and manage to change the mistakes in my website in terms of layout, design and functionality.

Started to ask what the audience tought about my home page which is the first impact of my website.

This results were pretty good simce that in all of the questions the majority of the questions were excellent, which means that I will have to change just a few things.

Then, I have made more specific questions with open answers so that the audience could be more critical.

Critical feedback:

Overall my feed back was not bad, however there is some things that I have to improve:

- Add my Flipbook (major project) to the Denim section
- Add the feedback form to the principal menu 
- Add a description to one of the photos on my home page (all of the photos in my website are MY OWN work, I posted photos of outfits I have done, styling by me, pieces of cloth made by me and even a mens collection where I have drewn the pieces, executated one of them and styling the outfits) 
- Change my instagram into a public account so that who click in my intagram icon be able to see my profile

This form was very useful so that I could improve in what I have done less better in my website before the final assessment.


  1. Good work here - well reflected on and hopefully really useful to you.


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