Further research


As the last research, I decided to search about other fashion stylists showing their editorials or portfolios for magazines, brands or celebrities. 

I started searching in PIXPA and filtred my research to "fashion" so that I only can see fashion examples.


The first example is Nina Butkovich Budden. She is a fashion stylist and her website is very complete, I love the simple way that she shows her jobs and projects, her website is clear and satisfatory.

Home page

I really identify myself with this home page. For my website «, my idea is very similar, a simple title, menu and show some photos right in the home page so that the reader continue seeing our website and get curiouse about our work.

Editorials page

The way that the editorials are showed is very inteligent. Makes us want to click in every editorial.


Editorial cover

Editorial page + text

Editorial page, image


The second example is Graylon Everett website, where she shows her projects as a fashion stylist mostly in a photography way, with no text included.

Project example for potfolio

As we can see, this website is less specific, this is not what I want to my website. I want that everything have an explanation, every photo and text added have a purpose, This does not mean that this website is bad executed, but I want mine more specific and clear.

Home page

As for the home page, I identify with this one, it is appealing and really makes us want to click in the view my work bottom, but actually, I think this home page does not transmit what is showed on the portfolio page, I was expecting something different after seeing the home page.

Portfolio page

In my opinion, Adding only red carpet photos to our portfolio page is not always the best choice, some photos may not be good enough to add to the page where we show our projects. Overall, I love the layout of the page.

This was a couple of examples of websites portfolios so that I could have a more specific idea of what I want and do not want for mine.


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